Desember 18, 2012

English Course#7 "The Hardest Week"

     This week maybe is the hardest week, yes it because to many final project and homework in every courses.  Maybe this is they call "College" as a student. And you have to think about a good grade, good value, good in everything. All students maybe don't want to be defeated. They are try to defeat the other students, try to look for some opportunity to emerged as the winner. If you can't hold on, you will lose this game. And finally in the end there will only loser and chosen. So you have to think to win this competition, and set the strategy to be a winner or never.

     This strategy mean a good strategy, a reasonable strategy to win this competition, not just only to  try to push your friends in every opportunity and win with the fraudulent manner. Just don't be so selfish. I think every students has a same opportunity, but some students don't want to show off probably. They wait for a good opportunity and defeat you with different way. It's okey, at least they are not so selfish. And the important thing is also you need to keep your friendship, to keep your relationship running well with your friends. 

     Imagine if you are big person, and you always do what you want to do, without think the impact later. How do you feel? maybe you will proud with yourself. But look outside, look the other people besides you. Maybe the will think you are so selfish. No one know what they are said to you. And they will walk away from you. If I were you I prefer to be a simple person but I have a lot of friends beside me. That's more important than to be a great person without someone beside you. 
     With friends you can share your problem, they will give you a solution from your problem. They can helps you to be better. Or maybe they can heal your broken hearts or be the replacement probably. Life without friends is same with life without family or love. Feel so alone, feel so empty and feel you're not alive. Just simple, be who you are, do everything you can, and don't be so selfish. Make yourself feel better. Cause I want everyone to be my friends. No matter who you are. 

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